I have just joined today so I'm introducing myself, I have 10 years experience even though it does not seem like it because my Grammar is not perfect sometimes, but the roleplays I have done on many different sites mainly a site called IMVU where I did most my roleplays but when I left IMVU after a few years I have tried different forums like the league of legends rp forums, and neopet rp forums, Also rp on world of warcraft in the rp servers, I rp on skype with my friends as well, and newly on Mibbit and then Mibbit took me here. the role plays I have done are pokemon both the trainer and also the pokemon that get caught by someone rping as a trainer and I still do them, pirates have not done a pirate one though for awhile so a bit rusty, pets meaning I role played as someones pet, kingdoms where I was the king/queen of one because I role play both genders but I'm a girl in real life and also I role played a head guard to protect the former king/queen of a kingdom and there children, dark fantasy rps which means vampires, demons, spirit etc, Vikings like pirates a bit rusty, with my friends on skype I have just started a game of thrones rp, wolves where I was the alpha/alphess of a wolf packs and also been a hunter wolf, or a pup of a former alpha/alphess of a pack belonging to someone else, naruto did a little bit of this type of rp so not that much experience with it, final fantasy I did more of this rp then naruto because it is one of my favorite games so fairly more experience with it, ninja rp meaning normal ninjas not naruto related, sonic the hedgehog rp I was Wave the Swallow and Jet the Hawk I rp them for awhile on neopets so I have some experience just not perfect, I also rp a fair bit Melkor from lord of the rings but put my own twist on him,a little bit of supernatural rp with my own made character I was a werewolf but a good one, and finally right now I rp as Jace Herondale who is a ShadowHunter from The Mortal Instruments City of Bones. This is all that I can remember right now so now you know a bit about me I hope I will be welcome in here and make some friends along the way because I plan to stay here for as long as I'm accepted.